Monday, February 9, 2009

Dream Love.

She dreams of the perfect love. The one who is absolutely compatible with her. He feeds her soul an she does the same to him. They get each other, its normally hard for people to understand him, and she could never be figured out, but them, oh they get each other. Its hard to explain and its not iterpreted well in words. All they know is that they could not have dreamed of a more beautiful love. She has not found him yet! Its no ones fault but her own. She stands in her own way constantly, she keeps repeating this vicious cycle and recycling the same two men. Neither one of them is the perfect love. Mr. Right is the one she always runs back to because he is her safety zone, she knows he will always be there and he'll say something to make her feel secure. She's not in love with him anymore and she kind of don't get anything out of talking to him. Nonetheless she can't stop talking to him. She doesn't know what it is but he pulls her in and it is something about him that intrigues her. then there is Mr. Man he could be the one for her he really could. But he is very juvenile and it seems like she is about fifteen steps ahead of him/ So, why does these guys keep her mind captivated? Because she falls in love with the things she can't understand, the more confused she is the more intrigued she is. She is captivated by the curiosity of it all. She tells herself she deserves better, but she knows she will always be captivated by these mysterious characters that will always impact her life in some way shape or form. Eventually, the perfect love will come along and he will intrigue her more than Mr. Right and Mr. Man combined he will be more mysterious and more exotic, he'll be everything she is and more.

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