Saturday, December 6, 2008

Are Humans That Jaded?

I seen something tonite that Made me sit back and seriously think about if I really want the future I think I want. Is success really the final step to gaining happiness? It seems that way when your reaching for it. Knowing That it is obtainable I'm not sure it is what I want if it is going to blind me. I watched these children who were in the house with at least one of their parents while the nanny prepared them for dinner and eventually bed. I know the parents believe they are preparing their kids for a great future. But they are inflicting wounds or their children that may never hill. I am beginning to believe people spend their money on foolish things because they are confused. Their is no reason a married successful couple that most likely is free on the weekends should have a nanny raising their children. I hate to say it but in a way success will leave you Jaded.

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